About Us
Core Purpose: Fostering healthy soil, water and agricultural practices
Area homesteaders founded the Kenai Soil & Water Conservation District soon after Alaska statehood in 1959. Originally known as the Kenai-Kasilof Soil Conservation District, the District is a locally-controlled, state-authorized entity with responsibilities delegated by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources’ Commissioner under Alaska Statute 41.10. A five-member volunteer Board of Supervisors elected from among the District’s cooperators oversees District staff and establishes goals and projects to meet cooperators’ needs. Sources of funding include private and federal grants, donations, and fees-for-service. The State of Alaska currently provides no annual funding to conservation districts.
In the wake of the 1930’s Dust Bowl disaster, the initial focus of soil and water conservation districts in Alaska and nationwide was to promote environmentally-sound methods of farming to prevent soil erosion. Today, conservation districts in Alaska carry out projects not only to promote sustainable agriculture and conserve farmland, but also to protect wetlands and watersheds, promote forest health, fight the spread of invasive plants, and engage youth in learning about resource conservation.
Partner Organizations and Agencies
- Alaska Ag in the Classroom
- Alaska Community Foundation
- Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- Alaska Division of Agriculture
- Alaska Farmers Market Association
- Alaska Farmland Trust
- Central Peninsula Garden Club
- Cook Inletkeeper
- Homer Soil & Water Conservation District
- Kenai Feed & Supply
- Kenai Local Food Connection
- Kenai Peninsula Borough and Schools
- Kenai Peninsula Cooperative Weed Management Area
- Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District
- Kenai Peninsula Farm Bureau
- Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership
- Kenai Peninsula Food Bank
- Kenai Peninsula Foundation
- Kenai Watershed Forum
- Soldotna and Kenai Chambers of Commerce
- UAF Cooperative Extension Service
- USDA/Farm Service Agency
- USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service
- USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service
- USDA/Rural Development
- US Fish & Wildlife Service